Our school offers various CCA and ECA activities for Grade III to Grade VIII. Any one of the choices made by the children as their interest activity will be offered by the school. All ECA & CCA activities will be held during week ends this year. Social Service Activity is mandatory for students from Grade VI – Grade VIII. Whenever students represent the school for Sports and Games activity , they should wear white T-Shirt and Navy Blue Games shorts / Track Pants. Wearing School ID Card is mandatory.

Dancing improves flexibility, strength, endurance and social skills in students. The school imparts training in classical, folk and western dance.

Music is one of the finest art forms that make our life lively. In our school, students are given specialized training in keyboard, recorder, guitar, drums, vocals and theory of music.

The Body is transient but the soul is indestructaible. . We take pride in introducing Yoga – The magnificient art of living.

Students are given training in Martial Art to help protect their body, improve presence of mind, increase observation & concentration and agility.

We encourage and tap children’s artistry, craftsmanship, skill and talent in visual presentation through unique and innovative methodologies.

Competitions will be conducted in a variety of sports. Students who excel in any particular sport will be identified and given special coaching under the supervision of our Physical Education Teachers.